WOW, it’s now April!!!
What have you done so far this year with ham radio? Let us know and if you can write about a project you’re working on or a ham radio experi-ence you’ve had, we can put it in the newsletter and the W5IAS website for others to read.
Here’s what you missed at the March club meeting…
At the last club meeting I asked for a discussion about prorating member-ship dues, which fall on April 1. The proposal placed before the members was that anyone joining the club and paying the annual membership fee before October 31st will pay again on April 1st six months later. Anyone who joins the club after October 31st will pay again on April 1st, eight-een months later. This is to simplify accounting. Bart, N5TWB, said that the club membership month was chosen to coincide with the Green Country Hamfest. This concession applies to new members only. Bob, W5RAB, motioned to accept the proposal; seconded by Bart, N5TWB; and carried by general acclamation.
We discussed radio protocol and preparedness and the types of radio to use. For types of radio, choose the one you will use; there are many vari-eties; pick one that is easy to use and to program. When reporting on-ground events to a Net Control Operator (NCO), write the message on a pad of paper then read and speak the message to the NCO. Be aware that in the excitement of the moment there is an inclination to shout and to speak rapidly — first take a deep, calming breath then make your verbal report slowly and clearly to avoid the need for repetition. I also warned the group NOT to “kerchunk” the repeater, which is illegal; “kerchunking” is the technical term for momentarily pressing the Push- To-Talk (PTT) switch to find out whether the repeater is within range and can be activated. Remember: Any transmission must be identified with a callsign. Failure to identify your transmission is illegal, a violation of FCC rules and the terms of your Amateur Radio license. And remember the “Push to Talk” button is also a “Release to Listen” button. Listen carefully before transmitting.
I reported the status of the W5IAS Weather Watch Net. To avoid confu-sion with the WX5TUL Weather Net, the name is changed from W5IAS Weather Net to W5IAS Weather Watch. I stated that I will amend the online documentation. When reporting events, be ac-curate about the location and be calm; cross-street co-ordinates are most useful for locating an event. Speaking plain language is best rather than with ab-breviations or Q codes. The objective is to make a clear, understandable report without the need for repe-tition; saying it once is quicker than repeating multi-ple times. For more info see the article in this news-letter, A little bit about ham radio protocol…
There was some discussion of cross-band connectivi-ty, mainly between a handheld and a mobile radio in an automobile. Cross-band connection of repeaters is forbidden, especially between VHF and UHF. Cross-band connections are often poorly done and cause more problems than they solve. If you must cross-band, please get the approval of Gregg, W5GGW be-fore proceeding.
Storm season is fast approaching so please monitor the Superlink System for updates and to give reports. If you need frequencies for the Superlink System re-peater in your area go to, click on the Repeaters dropdown, click on TARC: Wide Area Link System.
At the April club meeting Bart, N5TWB will be dis-cussing “What do I need to work an event?” In order to be prepared for just about anything that may hap-pen while you are out on the road doing a bike ride, a race, a hospital net or Field Day, you’ll need to know what’s expected of you and what you need to have with you to be a help and not a hindrance.
Looking to get involved? We’re still looking for Net Control Operators and Loggers so if you’d like to give it a try let us know and we’ll be happy to show you what’s involved and how you can help your club stay strong and active. Start small and when you feel comfortable, move on up to other events. No pressure…just fun doing ham radio!
If you would like to help with a bike ride, but aren’t yet comfortable, you can do a ride along with a more experienced ham to learn how it goes.
The Green Country Hamfest is April 8th and 9th in Claremore. Would you like to win a new HT? All you have to do is volunteer for 2 hours at the entrance or one of the other doors and your name will be entered to win. Look for a link to a sign up sheet on the ARES and TARC Facebook pages or the website.
Looking to sit down and rest for a few minutes while at the hamfest?… The TARC table is right there at the entrance and we’re looking for club members to spend an hour or so at the table tak-ing dues renewals and handing out raffle tick-ets…easy, peasy! Contact Bart, N5TWB at or just show up at the hamfest.
Upcoming Events and Contests
May 7th – Tour de Tulsa bike ride
May 21st – Copland Classic bike ride
June 11th & 12th – Tulsa Tough bike ride
June 25th & 26th – Field Day / Chandler Park
Pick a Contest…any Contest! Try POTA or SOTA! Call CQ! Just get on the air!
Go to, click Contest Calendar, scroll to Contest Corral, click on the month you want to check.
We’re starting CW practice in Tulsa. Are you interested in CW? Do you have a hard time cop-ying 5 WPM? We’re starting a CW net or maybe I should just say CW practice. Listen after the weekly net and you can just listen or you can jump right in. Let us know and we’ll send you the necessary info. No pressure to do good CW…just practice!
Next Meeting – the next TARC club meeting is April 19th at 7 PM. Location is TU’s Keplinger Hall room 2005. Be safe, Be a good friend, Get on the air!
Mark WA5MA