Section Name: Oklahoma (West Gulf Division) |
Section Manager: Mark Kleine, N5HZR Section Emergency Coordinator: Mark Conklin, N7XYO Email: |
Tulsa County Emergency Coordinator: Paul Teel, WB5ANX Assistant Emergency Coordinator: Mark Adams, WA5MA Email: |
ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio
ARES – Amateur Radio Emergency Service®

ARRL – the National Association for Amateur Radio, is a non-commercial association of radio amateurs bonded together for the promotion of interest in Amateur Radio communication and experimentation, for the relaying of messages by radio, for the advancement of the radio art and of the public welfare, for the representation of the radio amateur in legislative matters and for the maintenance of fraternalism and a high standard of conduct.
ARRL has been serving the general public directly and government and relief agencies for more than 75 years. To that end, in 1935 the league organized the Amateur Radio Emergency Corps (now called the Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES). Together, ARES is part of the League’s public service Field Organization of volunteer radio amateurs. As leaders and representatives of radio amateurs, the ARRL has responsibilities in motivation, education, policy and leadership in promoting Amateur Radio functions in the public service, especially in times of emergency when the resources of radio amateurs may be most survivable communications available.
The ARES Oklahoma (ARES-OK) organization consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment, with their local ARES leadership, for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes or other communication emergencies occur.
As a way of keeping our communications skills sharp; in addition to participating with many exercises and drills with our government partners ARES volunteers also provide communications for many non-profit groups’ events during community events – such as “Fun Runs”, Bike Rides, Walk-a-thons, and the like.
Memoranda of Understandings
One of the principal justifications for continued access to the Amateur Radio spectrum is public service. A major part of Amateur Radio’s public service communications activities are conducted within the context of the ARRL’s formal agreements with the emergency management, government organizations, NGOs, non-profits and public service agencies.
The ARRL (ARES) has long standing national MOUs in place with the following:
- National Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD)
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- American Red Cross
- Salvation Army & SATERN
- SKYWARN (National Weather Service)
- Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International (APCOInternational)
- Citizen Corps (Department of Homeland Security)
- And many other government and non-government organizations.
ARES in Tulsa County
The ARES organization in Tulsa County is one of the larger groups in the state. Our principal served agency is the Tulsa Area Emergency Management Agency (TAEMA). The Tulsa ARES leadership has a longstanding relationship and works in close cooperation with TAEMA. In the event of a county wide disaster TAEMA would have the lead role in coordinating responses from other agencies. ARES Tulsa also will work cooperatively with other agencies in Tulsa County such as; Tulsa Health Department, American Red Cross, and the Oklahoma Regional Response System that operates the Medical Emergency Response Center.
ARES Tulsa County nets
We operate a weekly net to provide information and developments on ARES, news of interest to all Amateur Radio operators, and opportunities to serve our communities through communications and safety support (ie, bicycle races).
- Net operations begin at 2000 hrs, every Thursday
- The net will be cancelled if there is a severe weather net or spotters needed in the field. Announcements regarding cancellation will be made on air and on the Tulsa ARES Facebook page.
- Frequencies:
- Weeks 1-3: We use a variety of local repeaters as primary and backup frequencies. Check TARC & ARES FB pages or listen to on-air announcements.
- Weeks 4-5: 443.850 with 88.5 PL. The backup frequency is a local repeater, 145.170 with 88.5 PL.
- Please join us, you do not have to be an ARES volunteer to check in.
For more information or to join ARES
- General ARES information: go to
- To join ARES: look for the “Join” on the top menu bar
- Questions: contact Paul Teel, ARES Emergency Coordinator, Tulsa County at
ARES Tulsa County Taskbook JAN 2025 V3.1 PDF
ARES Tulsa County Taskbook JAN 2025 V3.1 DOCx