New Ham Roadmap

Ham N Tell

Ham N Tell

We are glad you found us and this page, so now what? Make sure to check each link and section and come back often! It’s also a good idea to reference our New Ham Handouts for more information than what you see below!

  1. Get your technician’s license first!
  2. Buy a radio.
  3. Join ARRL & explore the ARRL Learning Network.
    1. Learn the Lingo
  4. Program your radios.
  5. Get on the Air!
  6. Click the link to find Operating Procedures
  7. Join a local club like TARC.
  8. Log some Contacts.
  9. Ask where you can help.
  10. Meet some Elmers
  11. Click around our site and read some newsletters.
  12. Did we mention Join TARC