n5xqk/sk Johnny Rentfro
In honor of the Johnny Rentfro – N5XQK/SK, this group of ham operators have promised to keep up the hard work that Johnny started and to help other hams that request help in their ham radio needs. The Ham Rescue group will help a fellow Ham with antennas, Station Equipment (on a limited basis), running cables, just about anything Ham Radio related. We are not Tower Climbers. Please be kind and mindful that amateur radio is a hobby and people have lives outside of the hobby.
Facebook Link – https://www.facebook.com/hamrescueok

Ham Rescue
Current Team
Call Sign | Name | Location | |
KA6DOY | Remell | Mannford | remells@cimtel.net |
K5CFY | Ray | Tulsa | broncoman351@sbcglobal.net |
AI5Q | Jerus | Tulsa | jerusbarnett@gmail.com |
WA5MA | Mark | Bixby | wa5ma@arrl.net |
KI5EGH | Mike | Pretty Water/Sapulpa | ki5egh@yahoo.com |
N5UUA | Jon | Wagoner | n5uua.jon@gmail.com |
W5RAB | Bob | Bartlesville | w5rab@qsl.net |
W5JHC | Jack | Owasso | W5JHC@arrl.net |
N5TEX | Joe | Sand Springs | jrgorkos@sbcglobal.net |
KG5EWK | Jim | Tulsa | kg5ewk@hughes.net |
KG5GOG | Monte | Grove | mmpizza2@yahoo.com |