The 1933 ARRL Oklahoma State Convention will be held here on June 17 and 18, in conjunction with the fifth semi-annual joint meeting of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club and the Ponca City Key Clickers Club. Registration headquarters will be on the mezzanine floor of the Alvin Hotel. The fee is on dollar and includes everything, special tickets will be issued for the banquet. According to Howard Hamilton, 1708 South Newport, Tulsa, manager of the convention, every individual interested in short wave radio is cordially invited to attend this meeting. Reports from over the state and adjoining states indicate there will be more than 100 attend. The U. S. Naval Reserve and the Army Amateur Radio System will both have representatives present. Mr, Frank M. Corlett of Dallas, director of the West Gulf Division of the American Radio Relay League expects to be present. Many valuable prizes have been donated by both local and national manufacturers and dealers.
Program Saturday 17th
At 8:50 a,m.—Government examination at the post office building for all individuals wishing an amateur license. Registration will start at 10:00 a.m. and continue until Sunday at 2:00 p. m. A general business meeting will open at 8:30 p. m. in the French room of the Alvin hotel. President John Douglas will make the welcome address. Music, contests and general discussion will continue until 10:15 when the group…
American Saturday Night (Tulsa, Oklahoma) · Sat, Jun 10, 1933