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Tulsa Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

1              Preamble

We, the Membership of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club, Inc. desiring to secure for ourselves the pleasures and benefits of the association of persons commonly interested in amateur radio, constitute ourselves the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club, Inc. and enact these bylaws as the governing law.

It shall be our purpose:

  • To further the exchange of information and cooperation between members
  • To promote and encourage technical advancement, excellence and experimentation by its members.
  • To assist members and prospective amateurs in achieving friendship and high standards of conduct.
  • To conduct club programs and activities in such a manner as to advance the general interest and welfare of amateur radio in the community, and support public safety when called upon to do so.


2              Membership

  • Shall be open to all persons interested in amateur
  • The Treasurer and Webmaster shall coordinate with each other to maintain a membership roster on the club website,
  • Members of the club listed in the roster shall have access to the members-only areas of the website via online login with username and password authentication.
  • Class of membership shall be Full, Family, or Patron


2.1         Full Membership

  • Shall be open to all persons promoting an interest in amateur radio and desiring to further their interest in participation therein.
  • Full members must possess a valid and current amateur radio
  • Anyone may submit application for membership at any regular club meeting or to the club’s designated website or US mail address.


2.2         Family Membership

  • Shall be open to those members of the immediate and dependent family living with a full member, except that children of a full member shall no longer be eligible for family membership after they have reached 21 years of age.
  • Allows only family members holding a valid amateur radio license to be eligible to vote or to hold office.


2.3         Patron Membership

  • Shall be granted to any persons or organizations not defined as a full or family member, who wish to support the club.
  • Includes all club privileges except the right to vote and/or hold club


2.4         Termination of Membership

Any member is subject to removal from the club for:

  • Conduct deemed unacceptable to the
  • Conduct deemed unacceptable to amateur radio

Termination of membership shall be at the discretion of the Executive Board and a majority vote of a quorum, excepting that member so affected, cast by secret ballot at a regular club meeting.


3              Officers

Each officer of the club shall:

  • Be a full or family
  • Hold a valid amateur radio
  • Perform the duties set forth for each in the following sub-


3.1         President

The President shall:

  • Have the power and privilege to make individual and committee appointments as necessary to carry out the business and basic purposes of the club.
  • Preside at all meetings of the club and conduct the same according to the rules adopted herein.
  • Appoint a person to act as Parliamentarian to decide all questions of order in the conduct of club meetings.
  • Perform all other customary duties pertaining to the office of
  • At the expiration of the term of office deliver all items and properties belonging to the club to the succeeding person.


3.2         First Vice President

The First Vice President shall:

  • Preside at any meeting at which the President is
  • Perform such other duties as directed by the President and club
  • Be the Chairperson of the Programs
  • Be the Field Day
  • Assume all the duties of the President when that person is temporarily
  • Fulfill the remaining term of the office of President when that position becomes vacant, as set forth in ¶ 2 Vacancies.
  • At the expiration of the term of office deliver all items and properties belonging to the club to the succeeding person.


3.3         Second Vice President

The Second Vice President shall:

  • Preside at any meeting in which both the President and the First Vice President are
  • Perform such other duties as directed by the President and club
  • At the expiration of the term of office deliver all items and properties belonging to the club to the succeeding person.


3.4         Secretary

The Secretary shall:

  • Keep the original copy of the bylaws and have the same available at every
  • Cause all amendments, changes and additions to the bylaws to be noted thereon and shall permit the same to be consulted by members upon request.
  • Keep a record of the proceedings of all
  • Monitor duration of the terms of office of the Public Service Liaison Officer and Trustee and notify the President when they are due to expire.
  • Such other duties as directed by the President and club
  • At the expiration of the term of office deliver all items and properties belonging to the club to the succeeding person.


3.5         Treasurer

The Treasurer shall:

  • Receive and receipt for all moneys paid to the
  • Keep an accurate account of all moneys received and expended and avail all records for audit.
  • Prepare and report monthly financial statements for the information of the officers and members that coincides with the adopted budget, identifying variations or other unusual financial occurrences.
  • At the direction of the Executive Board prepare an annual line-item budget for expected income and expenses; disburse all amounts for expenses related to identified line-items up to but not to exceed the individual line-item budgeted
  • Require approval by a voting quorum for unbudgeted expenditures above $500.
  • Require approval by the Executive Board for unbudgeted expenditures up to $500.
  • Maintain a Sinking Fund of debits and
  • In cooperation with the club Webmaster, notify the membership when their dues are due and manage all other financial matters affecting the club.
  • Perform such other duties as directed by the President and club
  • At the expiration of the term of office deliver all items and properties belonging to the club to the succeeding person.


3.6         Public Service Liaison Officer

The Public Service Liaison Officer shall:

  • Serve as the public relations officer for the club, maintaining close liaison with:
    • The media
    • Other area amateur radio clubs
    • The Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL)
    • Local government
  • Coordinate all communications with ARES, RACES and all civil, governmental, or charitable organizations so requesting such communications or assistance from club members or other volunteers.
  • Establish written policies and procedures regarding public service interactions with the club.
  • Perform such duties as directed by the Executive Board.
  • Have voting membership within the Executive Board.
  • Shall be responsible to the club for all interactions with public service and disaster
  • Shall serve a term of three
  • Maintain inventory of properties borrowed by the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club or lent to outside organizations.
  • Upon expiration of the term of office deliver all items and properties belonging to the club to the succeeding person.


3.7         Trustee

The Trustee shall:

  • Serve a three-year elected term of
  • Possess an Amateur Extra Class operating
  • Serve as the club Chief Operating
  • Be the trustee of the club
  • Be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the club “radio stations” and equipment.
  • Appoint Alternate Trustees to serve the club and assist in the maintenance of the club stations and properties.
  • Upon expiration of the term of office deliver all items and properties belonging to the club to the succeeding person.


4              Terms of Office

The officers of this club shall be elected for a term of one year, except for the Public Service Liaison Officer and the Trustee who shall be elected for a term of three years, by ballot of the members present provided there be a quorum, at the first meeting in November, with the new officers assuming their duties the first meeting of the following January.

  • All voting shall be by secret ballot or, upon vote of the membership, by
  • Members may from the floor nominate candidates for office at any time during the meeting prior to the balloting.


4.1         Succession

Elected officers may succeed themselves by standing for reelection by majority vote of the membership present at the election meeting.


4.2         Vacancies

Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by special elections at the first regular meeting following the withdrawal or resignation of the officer.

The exception shall be the office of the President which will automatically be filled by the First Vice President, who shall be eligible for election to the Presidency at the next regular election meeting.


4.3         Removal

Removal of officers shall be by three fourths (¾) majority vote of those present and voting at any properly called meeting at which a voting quorum is present.

A motion for removal of a club officer must be made one month prior to the date at which the removal vote will occur.


5              Voting Quorum

  • A majority vote of one-fifth of the paid up membership shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at any meeting.
  • When absent a quorum, voting shall be deferred to the next meeting or be accomplished by an on-line voting mechanism or via email or via postal


6              Executive Board

  • Shall consist of all elected officers of the
  • Will also serve as the Board of Directors of the
  • Shall work with the Treasurer to create a budget for approval by the
  • Shall determine the scale of Dues and Assessments.
  • Shall appoint a Tulsa Amateur Radio Club ARES


6.1.1    The TARC ARES Coordinator

  • Coordinates the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club service activities with the Tulsa County Amateur Radio Emergency Service and other local emergency response
  • Is a non-voting member of the Executive


7              Purposes

7.1         Club Association

  • To establish and effect an association of members interested in the furtherance of Amateur Radio in the United States and the State of Oklahoma.
  • To band with related or non-related civic or friendly organizations with like or similar
  • To further educate members and others regarding the use of Amateur Radio for social betterment.
  • To establish uses for communication in times of emergency, declared or
  • To provide through club membership a dedicated number of Amateur Radio operators for the dissemination and communication of both official and unofficial information in the public interest, when determined desirable by club officers or when called upon by any official agency of the City, County, State or Government of the United States of America.


7.2         Funding

  • To raise money, funds, and valuable services for furthering the activities of the


7.3         Education

  • To provide qualified members of the TULSA AMATEUR RADIO CLUB:
  1. To conduct educational seminars or classes, individually or in association with other organizations with like intention and purpose.
  2. For teaching and education of anyone interested in Amateur Radio and Electronics to become licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as Technician Class radio operators or upgrading such licenses to more advanced levels of skill and learning.
  3. For instruction in Morse code to advance interest in the hobby of Amateur Radio for potential members for the club or the general benefit and knowledge of both members and interested individuals.
    • To provide a forum for research, education, exchange of ideas, experimentation and scientific purpose, for all who have an interest or seek such knowledge.


7.4         Actions

  • To do everything necessary, suitable, and proper for the attainment of the objects mentioned herein, either alone or in association with other:
  1. Individuals, Businesses, Corporations,
  2. Including but not limited to, the County, State, Federal, Municipal bodies and all agencies or subdivisions of each of the forgoing.
    • To do and perform such things and acts and to transact such business in connection with the objects and purposes herein consistent with the general laws of the land or the objects and aims of TULSA AMATEUR RADIO CLUB.


7.5         Dissolution

Upon the dissolution of the corporation, the board of trustees shall:

  • First pay or make provisions to pay all liabilities of the corporation
  • Dispose of all assets of the corporation exclusively for the purpose of the corporation in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, literary or scientific purpose as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under SECTION 501
  • (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or the corresponding provision of any future Internal Revenue Law, as the board of directors shall determine, or such sums the board of directors may dispose as otherwise provided by the laws of the State of


8              Limitation of Liability

The officers, directors, and members of the Corporation shall not be liable for its corporate debts.


9              Activities to be Lawful

The acts or activities of the Corporation organized as a non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Oklahoma shall be lawful.


10           Meetings

  • Meetings in-person or via video conference shall occur once each
  • The President shall publish an agenda for each
  • The Secretary shall record attendance at each
  • Conduct of club business shall form part of each monthly meeting a minimum of nine (9) times during the club calendar year.
  • The President shall have the power to call special
  • Notification of a special meeting shall be by the most expedient means
  • Meetings shall be held at a time and place designated by the Executive


11           Dues and Assessments

  • Membership dues for each level of club membership shall be determined annually by the Executive Board and published on the club website.
  • Payment of dues shall be either:
    • Online via the club
    • Check via mail to the club postal
    • In person to the Treasurer by check or
  • The club, by majority vote of those present at any regular meeting, may levy upon the general membership such dues and assessments as shall be deemed necessary for the business of the organization within its objects as set forth in the Preamble.
  • Non-payment of such dues or assessment may terminate membership in the club at the discretion of the membership.


12           Committees

12.1      Nominating Committee

  • The President shall appoint a member not holding a position on the Executive Board to serve as Chairman of the Nominating Committee three (3) months prior to the annual election of officers.
  • The member so appointed shall have the power to appoint a sufficient odd (uneven) number from the club membership with the intent of recommending a slate of officers for the upcoming year to the club membership.


12.2      Bylaws Committee

  • The President shall appoint a Bylaws Committee Chairman immediately following the annual election.
  • The Chairman so appointed will select an appropriate representation of committee persons from the membership to ensure that the club conducts business in accordance with accepted bylaws.
  • The Bylaws Committee will also propose any necessary amendments to the bylaws to ensure compliance therein.


13           Amendments

  • To amend these bylaws requires a two-thirds vote of the total
  • Proposals for amendments shall be voted on by postal ballot, or on-line digital means, provided all members have been notified by mail or publication in the club newsletter of the intent to amend the bylaws.


14           Rules

Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern proceedings.


15           Revision History

19931109……. Constitution and Bylaws adopted:

Vince Moore, N5RFW, President, Richard Morgan, WB5IQS, Secretary.

19971118……. Constitution and Bylaws amended:

Vince Moore, N5RFW, President, Richard Morgan, WB5IQS, Secretary.

20240923……. Revised draft of the Constitution and Bylaws.

20241016……. New draft of the revised Bylaws that combine the previous Constitution and


20241021……. Revised the draft Bylaws at follows:

Changed the words “turn over” to “deliver”.

Revised ¶ 3.5 Treasurer adding text provided by KF5VCQ, deleting text made redundant by the addition.

20241022……..Revised paragraphs 3.6 , 3.7 , 4.1 , 5 , 6 , 10 in accordance with recommendations provided by committee member KE5PMK.

20241023……..Revised paragraph 3.2 . Deleted the Chief Operator position that had become a source of confusion now, and apparently redundant to the Trustee. Deleted a few superfluous “Shall” words that were superseded by the “Shall” in the leading paragraph of the sections. All done on this date in accordance with a review emails received from WA5MA and KE5PMK.

20241025……..Revised paragraphs 3.4 , 3.5 , 3.6 , 3.7 , 6 , 6.1.1 , 10 ,and 11 in accordance with a telephone conversation between KF5VCQ and W5AWS. Inserted internal cross-references of named paragraphs.

20241119……. The Constitution and Bylaws Review Committee decided to simplify and

merge the two documents into a single set of Bylaws that meet the current needs of the club in the existing technological environment; adopted by majority vote of the club membership via email:

Mark Adams, WA5MA, President,

Steve Childers, KF5VCQ, Committee Chair, Andrew Shead, W5AWS, Secretary,

Jerry Weikel, KE5PMK, Treasurer, Ian Duncan, KC9THI, Member.


16           Documentation

  • We, the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club, distribute this document in electronic Portable Document Format stored on the club website as the Bylaws,, where it is publicly available under the About Us tab for display, download, or printing on paper.
  • We typeset this document using the LibreOffice word processing programming suite of software that is open-source and freely available for download and use by anyone, via this link:
  • The Open Document Text (.odt) source file for this document we included when we exported it to hybrid PDF, which means that you can open the PDF for editing with