42 events found.
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Calendar of Events
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TARC Monthly Meeting
TARC Monthly Meeting
The TARC meeting will be held at the TU campus at Keplinger Hall in room # 3140
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Ham Testing – Evergreen Communications Group
Ham Testing – Evergreen Communications Group
Walkins welcome until 1000. Office buildings east of the main building- west entrance
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TARC & Trail Life Communication Event
TARC & Trail Life Communication Event
We are looking for some hammies like you to help our with an event on Monday 3/31 as we introduce and talk all things HAM Radio with a group from Trail Life USA. If you can help from 6:30-8pm please reach out to W5JHC@arrl.net so we can connect and get you connected to the event! Even if you can't make it out, we can still use QTH support to help make contacts! More INFO coming soon!
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