Title: TARC Linked Repeaters ; ; https://w5ias.com/repeater-systems/ ; TARC repeaters placefile for GRLevel3 ; Created by KJ5DWY for TARC ; Last updated 05/08/2024 ; Send corrections to Jesse_Reich@me.com ; Include: frequency MHz, PL/DPL code, county, coordinates or grid square locator for repeater, ; nearest city, repeater callsign. ; Refresh: 60 Threshold: 999 Font: 1,14,1,Helvetica IconFile: 1,16,16,8,8,"HTTP://DIRECTLINK TO TARC HOSTED IMAGE/antennaicons16x16x5.png" ; ; TARC East Oklahoma Superlinked HUB ; Icon: 36.122,-95.787,0,1,1,"Tulsa County\nTARC - W5IAS\nNWS Access\n443.85+ MHz (88.5)\nTARC Superlink Hub Repeater." ; ; TARC Linked repeaters ; Icon: 36.740,-95.980,0,1,1,"W5RAB\nBartlesville\n444.425+ MHz 88.5\nTARC Superlink\n36.740,-95.980" Icon: 36.124,-96.359,0,1,1,"W5IAS - TARC\nMannford\n442.800+ MHz 88.5\nTARC Superlink\n36.124,-96.359" Icon: 35.833,-96.124,0,1,1,"W5IAS - TARC\nMounds\n444.600+ MHz 88.5\nTARC Superlink\n35.833,-96.124" Icon: 35.032,-95.772,0,1,1,"W54CUQ\nMcAlester\n444.625+ MHz 88.5\nTARC Superlink\n35.032,-95.772" Icon: 35.075,-94.681,0,1,1,"Fort Smith ARC\nFort Smith, AR\n444.250+ MHz 88.5\nTARC Superlink\n35.075,-94.681" Icon: 36.524,-95.023,0,1,1,"W5RAB\nNowata\n444.275+ MHz 88.5\nTARC Superlink\n36.524,-95.023" Icon: 36.336,-94.460,0,1,1,"Local\nDecatur, AR\n442.850+ MHz 123.0\nTARC Superlink\n36.336,-94.460" Icon: 36.074,-94.249,0,1,1,"K5SRS\nFayetteville\n444.925+ MHz 88.5\nTARC Superlink\n36.074,-94.249" Icon: 35.747,-95.369,0,1,1,"W5IAS - TARC\nMuskogee\n443.100+ MHz 88.5\nTARC Superlink\n35.747,-95.369" Icon: 36.524,-95.023,0,1,1,"W5RAB\nKetchum\n444.875+ MHz 88.5\nTARC Superlink\n36.524,-95.023" Icon: 36.666,-98.390,0,1,1,"KD5IAE\nPonca City\n444.700+ MHz 88.5\nTARC Superlink\n36.666,-98.390" Icon: 36.110,-97.050,0,1,1,"K5FVL\nStillwater\n444.525+ MHz 88.5\nTARC Superlink\n36.110,-97.050" Icon: 35.880,-97.419,0,1,1,"KOSU\nEdmond\n443.925+ MHz 88.5\nTARC Superlink\n35.880,-97.419" Color: 127 255 0 Line: 2,,"" 36.740,-95.980 36.122,-95.787 End: Color: 127 255 0 Line: 2,,"" 36.124,-96.359 36.122,-95.787 End: Color: 127 255 0 Line: 2,,"" 35.833,-96.124 36.122,-95.787 End: Color: 127 255 0 Line: 2,,"" 35.032,-95.772 36.122,-95.787 End: Color: 127 255 0 Line: 2,,"" 35.075,-94.681 36.122,-95.787 End: Color: 127 255 0 Line: 2,,"" 36.524,-95.023 36.122,-95.787 End: Color: 127 255 0 Line: 2,,"" 36.336,-94.460 36.122,-95.787 End: Color: 127 255 0 Line: 2,,"" 36.074,-94.249 36.122,-95.787 End: Color: 127 255 0 Line: 2,,"" 35.747,-95.369 36.122,-95.787 End: Color: 127 255 0 Line: 2,,"" 36.524,-95.023 36.122,-95.787 End: Color: 127 255 0 Line: 2,,"" 36.666,-98.390 36.122,-95.787 End: Color: 127 255 0 Line: 2,,"" 36.110,-97.050 36.122,-95.787 End: Color: 127 255 0 Line: 2,,"" 35.880,-97.419 36.122,-95.787 End: