QST…QST…QST…The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club Christmas Par-ty is scheduled for December 19th 6 PM at the Golden Corral, 71st and Mingo. It’ll be a great time to celebrate with your ham radio friends and fellow club members and of course we have some cool raffle prizes from Santa to give away. Spouses are always welcome. See you there! Where did 2023 go??? This year is almost gone and then we’re into 2024! On January 1st we can officially celebrate the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club’s 100-year anniversary!!! We’ve put a committee together to start planning events and activities. Steve KF5VCQ, Robert […]


QST…QST…QST…The November meeting date has changed. We’ll be meeting on November 14th and at the top of the agenda is club officer elections. Please come out to the meeting and support the officers who give so much of their time and effort to make TARC active and success-ful!!! Thanks! Can you believe it !!! This year is almost gone and then we’re into 2024! On January 1st we can officially celebrate the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club’s 100-year anni-versary!!! We have documentation that dates back to 1924. See the at-tached photo from the Affiliated Clubs section of the May 1924 QST. […]

President’s Corner October 2023

In case you missed it… There were 41 at the last TARC meeting on September 19th and it was a meeting packed with lots of good stuff! We sort of semi-wrapped up Route 66 on the Air. Since it had just ended the previous Sunday, by the meeting on Tuesday not all the logs were in and results had not been tallied, however, preliminary results showed that there were over 1,800 contacts made. The final results will be shared at the October meeting. Andrew W5AWS wrote an e-mail to David Minster NA2AA, the Chief Executive Officer of the ARRL in […]